
Documentation for Deemed Conveyance

Documentation for Deemed Conveyance

Documentation is a very important & crucial stage in the Procedure for Deemed Conveyance. It requires absolute focus & meticulous handling to ensure that all the required documents are obtained & organized in an appropriate manner.
The Land Revenue Records of recent origin are obtained by making applications to the respective Government Departments like City Survey Office, Tahasildar/ Talathi Office & District Collector Office. These documents are obtained typically within 8- 10 weeks.
The Municipal Corporation Records are obtained by making application to the Building Proposal Department of the Municipal Corporation. These documents are obtained typically within 8- 10 weeks.
In case it is difficult to obtain the Land Revenue Records & Municipal Corporation Records, Right to Information (RTI) may be invoked.
The Society Records are obtained from Society Office & the Professional Certificates are obtained from Professionals.
Following Documents are required to be prepared.
 Deemed Conveyance Application- Form VII
 Synopsis of the Case
 Vakalatnama
 Roznama
 Society Special General Body Resolution
 Letter of Authority
 Affidavit by Authorised Representative
 Affidavit by Society Secretary
 List of Society Members including their Flat/ Shop Agreement Details
During the Documentation Stage, a Legal Notice is to be sent to the Land Owners & Property developers.
The complete set of the above Documents is to be annexed with the Deemed Conveyance Application- Form VII & to be filed in a neat & tidy manner.
The complete Deemed Conveyance Application- Form VII is to submitted to the Competent Authority- The District Deputy Registrar of Co- Operative Societies of the particular District.
The Documentation Stage from beginning to submission of Deemed Conveyance Application- Form VII can be successfully completed within 90 to 120 days.

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Documentation for Deemed Conveyance

Documentation is a very important & crucial stage in the Procedure for Deemed Conveyance. It requires absolute focus & meticulous handling to ensure that all the required documents are obtained & organized in an appropriate manner.
The Land Revenue Records of recent origin are obtained by making applications to the respective Government Departments like City Survey Office, Tahasildar/ Talathi Office & District Collector Office. These documents are obtained typically within 8- 10 weeks.
The Municipal Corporation Records are obtained by making application to the Building Proposal Department of the Municipal Corporation. These documents are obtained typically within 8- 10 weeks.
In case it is difficult to obtain the Land Revenue Records & Municipal Corporation Records, Right to Information (RTI) may be invoked.
The Society Records are obtained from Society Office & the Professional Certificates are obtained from Professionals.
Following Documents are required to be prepared.
=Deemed Conveyance Application- Form VII
 Synopsis of the Case
 Vakalatnama
 Roznama
 Society Special General Body Resolution
 Letter of Authority
 Affidavit by Authorised Representative
 Affidavit by Society Secretary
 List of Society Members including their Flat/ Shop Agreement Details
During the Documentation Stage, a Legal Notice is to be sent to the Land Owners & Property developers.
The complete set of the above Documents is to be annexed with the Deemed Conveyance Application- Form VII & to be filed in a neat & tidy manner.
The complete Deemed Conveyance Application- Form VII is to submitted to the Competent Authority- The District Deputy Registrar of Co- Operative Societies of the particular District.
The Documentation Stage from beginning to submission of Deemed Conveyance Application- Form VII can be successfully completed within 90 to 120 days.

By |November 20th, 2018|Documentation for Deemed Conveyance|Comments Off on Documentation for Deemed Conveyance