
Deemed Conveyance Pune

In Deemed Conveyance Under section 11 of MOFA Act, the builder/Developer/promoter are duty bound to co-
operate with the Co-operative Housing Society (CHS) and execute a Conveyance Deed
before the Sub-Registrar and the original documents are handed over the new owners after
completing all the necessary procedure.

In Deemed Conveyance Under section 11(3) of MOFA Act 1963, if builder/Developer/promoter & their legal heirs
fail to execute conveyance in favor of society within prescribed time limit then society may
approach Competent Authority appointed under section 5 of MOFA for unilateral Deemed
Conveyance who hears all the parties and passes the necessary order of Deemed
Conveyance. Deemed Conveyance is obtained as a legal remedy against the defaulter
builder/Developer/promoter who do not wish to convey the property since they foresee a
future commercial value of the property including usage of potential FSI, FAR, TDR etc. for
their personal benefit.

For any queries/information regarding Deemed Conveyance in Pune

Please contact us:
Advocates for Deemed Conveyance Pune
Ved Legal
Email: [email protected] / [email protected]
Mobile: +91 9763040088

By |November 18th, 2015|Deemed Conveyance Pune|Comments Off on Deemed Conveyance Pune

Conveyance Deemed Conveyance of Co-operative Housing Societies Pune

We are the first one who had executed Pune’s First Deemed Conveyance in Pune under the provision of MOFA ACT 1963, i.e. Nikash Lawns, E-1, Co-operative Housing Society Ltd., Pashan, Pune-21. We are expertise in the process of Property Registration / Formation of Co-operative Housing Societies & Conveyance Deed & Deemed Conveyance thereof.

Conveyance Deemed Conveyance of Co-operative Housing Societies Pune

As we already had worked & Working on several case of the same nature under the provision of Co-op. societies Act 1960 (MOFA) Nearly 80% of the Co-operative Housing Societies have not received the Conveyance of land and building in their favour from the Builder. The amendments were carried out in the Maharashtra Ownership Flats Act, 1963, to appoint a Competent Authority to hear the grievances on Conveyance by the Societies or other legal bodies in 2005. The President of India gave the assent on February 25, 2008, and it became the Law of the Land.

In June 2008, the necessary notification was issued by the Government of Maharashtra designating the District Deputy Registrars of the Co-operative Societies as the Competent Authorities under the MOFA. Even after a lapse of 18 months and a number of cases being accepted by the Competent Authority. Execution & Registration Of Conveyance, Deemed Conveyance in Pune, Deeds & Agreements etc…

For More information please contact us:
Advocates for Deemed Conveyance in Pune
Ved Legal
Email: [email protected] / [email protected]
Mobile: +91 9763040088

By |November 5th, 2015|Deemed Conveyance Pune|Comments Off on Conveyance Deemed Conveyance of Co-operative Housing Societies Pune