Most of the flat-owners of the newly constructed Societies/apartments do not have their sale deeds or conveyance deeds. Mostly in the newly constructed buildings, the builders provide for forming a housing co-operative society to which they shall transfer their interest in the property. Then the builders form the society but do not transfer the title of the property (read ownership) to the flat-owners or the society till he has transferred all the rights in the building/Societies/apartments. Thus the builders/promoters are benefiting from the buyers lack of awareness and information.
To curb this practice, amendments were carried out in the Maharashtra Ownership Flats Act, 1963, in 2008 to appoint a Competent Authority (Registrar of Co-operative Housing Societies) to hear the grievances of such Societies/apartments owners and to safeguard their interest by executing deemed conveyance of such societies u/s 11(3) of Maharashtra Ownership Flats Act, 1963.
Ved Legal is having enough experience to deal with these kinds of Deemed Conveyance of Co-operative Housing Societies, in and around Mumbai, Pune. Any aggrieved society or apartment holder can get resolution from us in regards of the same.
Conveyance is transfer the title of land and building by promoter/land owner in favour of housing society by execution of Conveyance Deed. As per the provision contemplated in Section 11 of Maharashtra Ownership Flat Act 1963, Conveyance is the right of Co-operative Housing Society and the Duty of the property Developer/Promoter to be executed within 4 months from date of Registration of Co-Operative Society.
After land and Building is conveyed in favour of Co-Operative Society and the title of property is fully and finally recorded in the property card and other revenue records then only the property becomes completely free and marketable.
As per Housing Society Bye-laws the main objective of formation of the society is to obtain conveyance and if conveyance is executed within 4 months from date of registration of society case can be filed against the promoter /landowner of the land to obtain the conveyance as per section 13 of MOFA 1963 failure to give conveyance is an offence and the promoter/landowner of land can be imprisoned upto 3 years or fine or both.
Deemed Conveyance occurs when the builder/land owner or the legal heir refuse to co-operate in handing over conveyance to the Co-operative Society under the Section 11(3) of Maharashtra Ownership Flats Act, 1963. In such case, the housing society has to appear before the District Deputy Registrar, who will hear the case of both parties i.e. the housing society and the builder and would pass the required order of Conveyance. It is a remedial measure obtained by the society against the builder/landowner who does not wish to convey the property since he/she sees a commercial gain out of the property in future. This could include usage of potential FSI for their personal gain.
Deemed Conveyance is final conveyance and the same can be registered. Once the designated Competent Authority has passed the order, there cannot be an appeal against it.
In a situation when a promoter or owner of residential premises/ buildings does not transfer/convey the ownership of the flats to the housing society or association of persons (AOP), the society or AOP can make an application to Registrar of Co-operative Housing Societies, to transfer the ownership of the said flats to them. This process is carried on through Deemed Conveyance of the title of the buildings and land in favour of the Society or AOP without the need of the builder to do so.
As per the Housing Society bye-laws, the main objective of formation of the Society is to obtain the Conveyance; and if Conveyance is not given by the Builder within four months from the date of registration of the Society, Case of Deemed Conveyance can be filed against the Builder to obtain the Conveyance before the District Deputy Registrar. As per Section 13 of Maharashtra Ownership Flats Act, 1963, failure to give Conveyance in favour of cooperative housing society is an offence and the Builder can be imprisoned up to 3 years or fined or both.
- Getting a proper and legal title in the name of the Society.
- Retaining the additional FSI as per the Government announcements.
- Property will be free and marketable.
- Society can raise the loans for repairs and reconstruction by mortgage.
- Permission from planning authorities is possible if the building has to be reconstructed at a later date due to dilapidation of the structure due to age or by earthquake.
- Society can take the benefit of TDR.
- Members can receive compensation from Builder on redevelopment of the building.
Even though you have purchased ownership flat, you are not the owner of the land and building. 2. In the event of a building collapse or damage to the building, you cannot reconstruct the building without the permission of the Builder / Land owner.
- The Builder/Developer may mortgage the property purchased by you as he is the legal owner and holding the Title Deeds of the Property.
- The Builder/Developer may tap the benefits in case the building is later taken up for redevelopment or if the plot has some unutilized floor space index.
- The Builder may make profit by sale of open spaces, gardens, terrace, parking space belonging to the Society.
- The Builder may demand a huge amount from the Society, if Conveyance is sought by the Society after a lapse of many years.
- The Builder may sell the entire Development Rights and the Legal Rights on the land to third party and create a third party interest in the Property and the Society will have to incur a huge amount to clear the same.
There are certain important conditions which need to be fulfilled to go ahead for deemed conveyance, some of them are:
1. At least 60% of the flats in that scheme should be sold.
2. A Co-operative Society or Association of Persons should have been formed of the flat-owners and at least 3-4 months should have been passed since then.
3. There should be communication between the builder and the society or AOP regarding Deemed Conveyance wherein the builder should have made a promise of completion of conveyance or refused to do the same.
4 . A Resolution must be passed
After the above mentioned conditions are fulfilled, the following steps shall be taken:
Write a letter /email to builder/ promoter requesting him to provide a draft of the SALE DEED/ CONVEYANCE DEED or providing the draft to him and requesting him to sign the same.
- If the Builder rejects or postpones the same, send him a legal notice through an advocate requesting for the same.
- Even then if the builder refuses, File an application with the Registrar of Co-operative Societies together with all the relevant documents and 2,000 Rs. Court stamp fees.
- Self-attestation all the copies enclosed (by the society)
- The Competent Authority will assess the application and if any documents are missing he will ask the applicant to correct the mistake within fifteen days.
- Thereafter, notice would be sent to the promoter and the land owners.
- After receipt of the notice by the land owners and the promoters, the authority will hear both parties in the first hearing and ask both parties to produce further evidences in next hearing.
- Thereafter, second hearing would be held and if the builder or landowners do not attend both first and second hearing then the authority will pass an exparte order.
- Thereafter, the third and final hearing would be held and the authority would be held and order would be passed unless a legal question is raised.
Normally the whole process is completed within a period of 6 months.