There are various ways through which you can transfer a property that you own. It could be by way of sale, Will or gift. A commonly used method, especially when transferring to a family member or friend, is executing a gift deed in favour of the recipient. Though no monetary transaction is involved, it is still necessary to register the gift deed to make the transfer valid.
1) At time of Sale of Immovable Property, we come across the market value of the property. What exactly is the meaning of market value of property?
It means the price which such property would have fetched if sold in open market on the date of execution of such Document or the consideration stated in the document whichever is higher. However the Stamp office uses Ready Reckoner for referring to prevalent value of the property.
Stamp Duty is paid on the Market Value of the property and not on the amount of consideration stated in the Document.
2) Why Stamp duty is required to be paid?
It is kind of Tax like Sales Tax or Income Tax. And it must be paid in full and on time to the government. When there is a delay in payment, penalties are imposed. If it is properly paid as per the approved rate and after ascertainment of market value of the property, then the instrument / document/ agreement is treated as duly stamped document which can be admitted as evidence in any lawful transaction or in the court. if they are not properly stamped, Court or the Competent Authority may impound the same or will not be accepted as evidence.
Adv. Gajanan Rahate
Mob: 9763040088