
What is Deemed Conveyance?

What is Deemed Conveyance?

The Promoter (Builder/ Developer) is legally required to convey the land and the building within 4 months of formation to the society or any legal body of the flat purchasers. However, it has been the experience that many promoters (Builders/Developers) have not conveyed the land and building to the legal bodies. Therefore, government has amended the Maharashtra Ownership Flats Act, 1963 (MOFA) and provided for the deemed conveyance in favor of the legal bodies. Under the provision, deemed conveyance means after the expiry of 4 months of formation of the legal body, the land and building is deemed to have been conveyed to the legal body and to bring the same in the revenue record, Competent Authority has been designated who will hear the parties on the basis of applications received from the aggrieved party and transfers the title in favor of the legal body by passing the necessary order and deemed conveyance certificate and appoint an authorized officer to execute the conveyance deed in favor of the society and execute on behalf of non-co-operative builder or the land owner. Getting the title of land and building by adopting the above procedure is known as deemed conveyance.

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Advocate for Sale Deed

Advocate for Sale Deed

A Sale deed is an instrument which shows the transfer of title, rights, and ownership of a property from a owner/vendor/ seller to a buyer/purchaser

A sale deed is an essential document for both the parties which are registered in accordance with the Registration Act, 1908. It is signed and executed as mentioned in the agreement after both the parties agree with the terms & conditions thereof

In general, this instrument of sale deed must content  below-mentioned details-

  • The parties to the deed- the full name & address, age & occupation of the parties involved.
  • Detailed description of the property being transferred- Gat/Survey/CTS Numbers, Areas of the property, correct address, dimensions of the property, construction details of the building etc…
  • Bindings relating to Indemnity & encumbrances – This includes a declaration from the seller that the property being transferred is free from every encumbrance, litigation, and charge. Also, the seller indemnifies the buyer from any pending charges in that regard. The seller should settle a pending loan taken with the concerned property as a mortgage, before proceeding with the sale. The buyer has every right to examine the related documents before registration.
  • The agreed consideration- This is the price at which the deal is closed between the parties. This section should also mention the advance amount paid if there is any. The parties should explicitly agree on the dates of payment, the mode of payment, etc. The price and the details of the transactions made should be mentioned in both figures and numbers. The sale deed should also mention the receipts of the sale transaction.
  • Delivery of the possession of the property- the deed should specifically mention the date of handover to and possession by the buyer.

General precautions before execution of sale deed

  • Ensure the title search is done.
  • Issuance of public notice – to ensure there are no encumbrances like lien, mortgage etc.
  • Above is the general information

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Process of Co-operative Housing Society Registration

Process of Co-operative Housing Society Registration

60 % of the Promoters are must be ready to form Co-op. Housing Society. · If flats are sold as per the Maharashtra Ownership Flats Act,1963 [MOFA] then it is the duty of the Builder / Developer to form society and hand over the Account + Documents to Provisional Working Committee [PWC] In this case the builder become CP and other flat owners become Promoters for Registration purpose. This society registers under Cooperation.

· When the builder is not registering society due to some reasons or not support to registered society then flat purchasers can apply for registration of Co-operative Housing Society under Non Co-operation. In this case one of the flat owners should be elected as CP for Registration purpose. In this case some more time is taken to registered society as registrar is issue notice to builder for Non Co-operation. If no response then ex-party decision are taken for registration of the society. Now all the case of Non Co-operation Registration decisions is given by District Deputy Registrar [DDR] then society is registered

· All flat owners should hold meeting and elect Promoter. All power for Registrations, documentation etc. should be given to promoter. The resolution should be passed and must be sign by all flat owners who wish to become member of the Co-operative Housing Society · Appoint Consultant / Legal Advocate for registration and ask him to comply all requirements. All members together also can do work for registration.

· For registration of Co-op. Hsg. Society the following documents should be filed to Dy. Registrar / Asst. Registrar of Co-operative Department area concern in order as follow

1. Applications for Name to be reserved for Proposed Society’s

2. Form of resolution electing a CP and Promoter and giving them authority for doing certain acts on behalf of the proposed society

3. Application form “A” 4 copies

4. Information in Annexure ” A ” ” B ” ” C ” 4 copies

5. Bye-Law of the Society 2 copies

6. Details of Accounts Annexure”D” 2 copies

7. Bank Balance Certificate in Original 1 copy in Original

8. Agreement of Flat 1 copy

9. Advocate Search Report 2 copy [Title Certificate]

10. Society’s Building Plan 2 copies

11. Layout Plan 2 copies

12. Sanction Plan from Authority 2 copies

13. O.C / C.C copy 2 copies

14. Promoter’s Guarantee in form ” X ” On Rs. 100/- Stamp paper & notarized 1 copy

15. Guarantee in form ” Y ” On Rs. 100/- Stamp paper & notarized 1 copy

16. Guarantee in form ” Z ” On Rs. 100/- Stamp paper & notarized 1 copies

17. 7/12 or City Survey Revenue Record of Land [not more than 1 month old] 1 copy

18. Promoters Affidavit on Rs. 100/- Stamp paper & notarized 1 copy

19. Indemnity Bond on Rs. 100/- Stamp paper & notarized 1 copy

20. NA Certificate / ULC 2 copy

21. Plot area Land Map 2 copies

22. Scheme

23. Registration Fee Challan for Rs.2500/- 1 copy original

24. Builder Non Co-operation form Z on Rs. 100/- Stamp paper & notarized if required 1 copy

25. CP Affidavit for Child Labouron Rs. 100/- Stamp paper & notarized 1copy

All this forms are available at your District Co-operative Housing Society Federation.

On submission of above document the Dy./Asst. Registrar will go through the papers And document. If found OK he will make order for issue of Registration Certificate. If any deficiencies are found then the applicant will be inform accordingly and documents will be corrected wherever necessary. When all papers are in order, he will issue order for issue of Registration Certificate.

Registration Certificate is issued with covering letter and Officer’s name is mentioned who will attend First General Meeting. Normally the Officer concern is not attending meeting. In absence, all members have to hold meeting and have to elect Provisional Working Committee [PWC] whose working period will be ONE Year. After electing PWC the member of PWC has to submitted the M-20 bond on Rs. 100/- stamp paper with the sign of Officer’s whose name is in Covering latter to Dy./Asst. Registrar. All Rule and Regulations ,resolution and minutes which is written in AGM Register must be sign by Officer’s name is mentioned in covering letter it is the most important step.[Many society forget this which create problem latter] After First Annual General Meeting PWC is replaced with new Working Committee [WC] whose working period will be FIVE Year. The new WC election can conduct before PWC time over with proper election process. WC also has to submit the M-20 bond on Rs. 100/- stamp paper with the sign of election officer to Dy./Asst. Registrar When application for Name reservation of Society has given , the Dy./Asst. Registrar give instruction to Open Bank Account in Dist. Central Co-op. Bank The Account has to opened in the name of CP And deposit all money of Share Capital Contribution [per member Share Money is Rs. 50*10 = Rs. 500 i.e. 10 share of 50 rupees each ] and Member ship Fees of Rs. 100/- i.e. Per member you have to deposit Rs. 600/- in bank and obtain Bank Balance Certificate and submitted it to Dy./Asst. Registrar. After First Annual General Body Meeting the Bank Account has to transfer in the name of Society. For bank Account operation Chairman sign must and either Secretary and Treasurer. Expenditure has to be made as per provision of Bye-Laws. Bank and Cash Transaction [Collection and Payment] are handled by Treasure when Billing Clerk or Accountant are not been kept.

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Procedure To Recover Maintenance Dues from Defaulters of Cooperative Housing Society

Procedure To Recover Maintenance Dues from Defaulters of Cooperative Housing Society

In current situation running a society smoothly depends on how much cash reserves the society has in its bank. Few societies doesn’t feel that much heat as members are cooperative and paying maintenance bills on time, check .Regular payment from members makes easier to run society as it doesn’t feel cash crunches.

However few societies are exception to this as default by members are keep on increasing, which make committee members work more difficult to manage. Recovering the dues from members is complicated task as it also harms the personal relation with the committee members and defaulter members.

Under Section 101 of Maharashtra Societies Act (MCS), society can fight the legal battle to recover due from defaulters.

Society Committee can follow below procedure to recover dues from defaulter society member:

1) Issue a simple letter to defaulter (there is no specified format for this) which should have the amount dues, period for payment and also a warning mentioned about “Failuer to make payment, society will make application to society registrar under Maharashtra Societies Act section 101 to recover the outstanding dues”.

2) After the completion of given period on notice to defaulter, committee should pass a resolution to take action against the defaulter.

3) Under the section 101, Society chairman and secretary can take action against the defaulter and has rights to sign all the required documents which they need to submit to society registrar who will issue the recovery certificate.

4) After the submission of all the papers from society to registrar. Registrar may ask for hearing with defaulter member and verify the records. After verifying and hearing if registrar find the appeal truthful he will issue recovery certificate to society.

5) Once the recovery certificate received by recovery officer, he will prepare the demand notice which will send to Sale Officer and same notice will be attached to property of defaulter member of society.

6) Sale officer will visit the flat of defaulter to prepare and submit the list of inventory of all his moveable property. If defaulter member is still not paying out standing dues even after receiving Demand notice, Sale officer can seize the moveable property and can hand them over to Secretary or Chairman of society for custody. 7) After the seizing auction date is fixed for auction of seized movable property. If the amount received from auction is less  as compared to dues then Sale officer has right to auction the flat of defaulter member.

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After the above mentioned conditions are fulfilled, the following steps shall be taken:

Write a letter /email to builder/ promoter requesting him to provide a draft of the SALE DEED/ CONVEYANCE DEED or providing the draft to him and requesting him to sign the same.

  • If the Builder rejects or postpones the same, send him a legal notice through an advocate requesting for the same.
  • Even then if the builder refuses, File an application with the Registrar of Co-operative Societies together with all the relevant documents and 2,000 Rs. Court stamp fees.
  • Self-attestation all the copies enclosed (by the society)
  • The Competent Authority will assess the application and if any documents are missing he will ask the applicant to correct the mistake within fifteen days.
  • Thereafter, notice would be sent to the promoter and the land owners.
  • After receipt of the notice by the land owners and the promoters, the authority will hear both parties in the first hearing and ask both parties to produce further evidences in next hearing.
  • Thereafter, second hearing would be held and if the builder or landowners do not attend both first and second hearing then the authority will pass an exparte order.
  • Thereafter, the third and final hearing would be held and the authority would be held and order would be passed unless a legal question is raised.

Normally the whole process is completed within a period of 6 months.




  1. Getting a proper and legal title in the name of the Society.
  2. Retaining the additional FSI as per the Government announcements.
  3. Property will be free and marketable.
  4. Society can raise the loans for repairs and reconstruction by mortgage.
  5. Permission from planning authorities is possible if the building has to be reconstructed at a later date due to dilapidation of the structure due to age or by earthquake.
  6. Society can take the benefit of TDR.
  7. Members can receive compensation from Builder on redevelopment of the building.


Even though you have purchased ownership flat, you are not the owner of the land and building. 2. In the event of a building collapse or damage to the building, you cannot reconstruct the building without the permission of the Builder / Land owner.

  1. The Builder/Developer may mortgage the property purchased by you as he is the legal owner and holding the Title Deeds of the Property.
  2. The Builder/Developer may tap the benefits in case the building is later taken up for redevelopment or if the plot has some unutilized floor space index.
  3. The Builder may make profit by sale of open spaces, gardens, terrace, parking space belonging to the Society.
  4. The Builder may demand a huge amount from the Society, if Conveyance is sought by the Society after a lapse of many years.

The Builder may sell the entire Development Rights and the Legal Rights on the land to third party and create a third party interest in the Property and the Society will have to incur a huge amount to clear the same.

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